如何追討追收欠租? 如何收樓?


如果各位業主想追收欠租 / 收樓,又無時間入稟審裁處 / 法庭去追收,可以聯絡我們,我們公司追收租金經驗豐富,善於強力調解,定能幫助業主合法追回欠款欠租,並順利收回物業。


業主有時可能會遇到拒交租或違反租約條款的租戶。 為保障自身利益,業主可考慮向土地審裁處申請收回令,合法終止租約收回物業,追回欠款。最快的過程可能需要三個月至半年

整個收回過程包括三個主要步驟,每個案例所需的時間各不相同。 然而,每一步都需要一定的時間。

第一步是業主向土地法庭提交申請通知以及蓋有租賃文件的租賃協議。 然後將通知副本發送給租戶,並連續三天張貼在單位入口處。 幾天后房東在土地法庭發誓。

第二步是申請並獲得判決,假設租客在收到申請通知後 7 天內沒有提出異議,大約需要 2-3 天。 如果租戶反對,則必須安排聽證會日期,通常需要半個月。

最後一步是法院執達吏執行法院命令收回該單元。 在獲得判決後,業主申請收回令。 所需時間取決於執達主任對該地區的日程安排,通常約為兩個月。


如果業主只是想追討欠租,而無意收回物業,可於下列審裁處 / 法庭作出申索:

小額錢債審裁處 :申索款額不高於港幣七萬五千元

區域法院 :申索款額高於港幣七萬五千元但不多於三百萬元

高等法院 :申索款額並無上限。

If landlords want to pursue arrears/repossess properties but do not have time to file applications with the Land Tribunal/courts, you can contact us. Our company has extensive experience recovering rent arrears and is skilled at forceful mediation. We can surely help landlords legally recover arrears and rent owed, and smoothly repossess properties.

We have a team of experienced rental recovery professionals to handle the entire recovery process.

We are committed to achieving the best results for landlords in a prompt, effective, and affordable manner.

Our strong negotiation skills and legal expertise enable us to recover arrears without the need for time-consuming litigation in many cases.

We offer a no-win no-fee arrangement so there is no risk to landlords.

Contact us for a free initial consultation to discuss your recovery needs.

Landlords may sometimes encounter tenants who refuse to pay rent or violate the terms of a lease. To safeguard their interests, landlords can consider applying to the Land Tribunal for a repossession order to legally terminate the lease and repossess the property, and recover the arrears.

The application procedure includes:

  • Serving the application notice on the respondent (tenant)
  • The application being heard and a decision reached
  • The court bailiff executing the repossession order

The entire repossession process consists of three main steps and the time required varies for each case. However, each step takes a certain amount of time and the fastest process can take around six months.

The first step is for the landlord to submit an application notice to the Land Tribunal along with the lease agreement stamped with the rental documents. The notice copy is then sent to the tenant and posted at the unit entrance for three consecutive days. The landlord swears at the Land Tribunal a few days later.